What is Global Warming? Dictionary.com defines it as “an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.”
Due to global warming, the onset of spring plant growth will come approximately 3 weeks earlier. Rapid shifts in plant phonology are occurring in the Pacific Northwest and mountainous regions of the United States, with smaller shifts in the southern regions because spring usually arrives earlier.
Andrew Allstadt, an author of Environmental Research Letters, says that projection show that winter will be shorter. Great for us, right! But birds and other animals base their migration time off of day length in their winter range. Some might arrive at their breeding ground only to find their required plant resources already gone.
Another problem is false springs, where freezing weather returns after plants have begun to grow. Projections show that these events will decrease in most areas.
But false springs are expected to increase in the western Great Plains region. False springs damage plant production cycles.
Allstatd also said that research is going to cover all cases of extreme weather (e.g. droughts and heat waves). Scientists are also interested in seeing how bird populations in wildlife reserves will be affected. For more information, go to: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/10/151014085418.htm

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